Thanks NCB but go further

This publication applauds Jamaica’s NCB Financial Group, in following the practice of some of the listed companies in Trinidad & Tobago in publishing dates for the release of regular but important information during the course of a year.
After all, the more information investors have, the more transparent and better the market in which they operate will be. The recent disclosure that Jamaica’s NCB Group made, to publish the dates in 2017, of the announcement of dividends, is a positive move for the Jamaican market, one hopes that other listed companies will follow the NCB’s lead.
While historically, the dates of dividend announcements, have usually been the same dates on which their interim results are released, investors should not have to be wondering when those dates should be, accordingly, we wish they would have gone further and also state the dates of the release of their quarterly reports for all to see.
The announcement is an enhancement of good corporate governance and good investor relations. We would however, suggest that the group restates for clarity, its dividend payment policy as well in furtherance of good governance.

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