Guardian ongoing profits up 29%

Guardian Holdings, an insurance group primarily involved with life insurance underwriting, reported after tax profit of US$11 million compared to $15 million earned in the first quarter last year. Last year’s results were bolstered by an exceptional foreign exchange gain of $3 million and this quarter’s outcome was impaired by the loss of $5 million derived from participation in Jamaica’s National Debt exchange (NDX). Excluding these two items, the after tax profits results would have grown 29 percent to $16 million.

Premium Income | Gross premiums grew 25 percent from $214 million in first quarter 2012 to $268 million in this first quarter. Excluding $12 million generated from a new acquisitions, gross premiums written grew by 20 percent.

Net results from insurance activities improved 52 percent to reach $20 million from $13 million in the previous year’s quarter. New acquisitions contributed $1 million, in line with management’s expectations.

The new Netherlands-based broker, Thoma, contributed $2 million in fee income. Investment income, excluding the loss relating to the NDX, came in at $36 million compared to $37.7 million in 2012 (exceptional foreign exchange gains are included 2012 figures). The new acquisitions resulted in increased operating expenses and finance charges increasing by 21 percent and moving costs from $32 million in 2012 to $38 million in this year’s quarter.

Segment Results | Premiums written in the Life, Health and Pensions business increased by 16 percent over the comparable period.  The Property and Casualty segment’s top line was bolstered by the recent acquisition of Globe Insurance, the quarterly results of which were consolidated into the Group’s figures for the first time, and by low-risk fronting arrangements from which fee income was received. Net premiums written, which are premiums after deducting fronting premiums and reinsurance costs, grew $5 million or 17 percent over the comparable quarter.

GHL_logographic150x150Operating profit, while still strong at $7 million for the first quarter, declined $2 million from the 2012 figure due to increased claims activity and the one-off effect of this segment’s portion of the NDX.

Integration | The company’s management said, “they have moved diligently with the integration of Globe and West Indies Alliance and are quite pleased with the achievements obtained to date. Thoma has been fully consolidated into our reporting and contributed $0.65 million to after tax profits this quarter. Although it has occurred after the reporting period, I am pleased to reveal that we have now received all necessary regulatory approvals for our acquisition of Royal & Sun Alliance, Antilles (RSA). Details will be given in the report for the ensuing quarter.

“The Asset Management business contributed $1 million in operating profits for the quarter, down from the $2 million earned in the same quarter last year. This decline is attributable to lower fair value gains in this quarter due to the weak investment climate persisting across the territories in which we do business.”

Assets & Equity | Guardian has the size and equity base to expand and grow profits. As of March, total assets amounts to $3.6 billion with shareholder’s equity of $500 million.

Stock outlook | Earnings per share last year came in at US22 cents or TT$1.40, which is fetching a stock price of TT$17 on the Trinidad stock market giving it an historical PE ratio of 12. Investor’s Choice projects US30 cents per share for 2013 putting the PE at just 9. Compare that to West Indian Tobacco with a rich PE of 27 or Republic Bank with 15 times. It would appear that dividend yield is a major force for the PE differential. WITCO yields around 3.30 percent while Treasury bill rates are under one percent. Guardian has a yield of 3.7 percent.

A buy | Guardian is a good long term investment for a stock that is clearly undervalued in a market where price earnings ratio tend to be much higher than the level Guardian is priced at.

TTSE: WITCO climbing away

Monday, 17th June 2013 | On another slow day of trading, 8 securities traded of which 3 advanced, 1 declined and 4 traded firm, as a mere 40,001 shares crossed the floor of the main exchange valued at $525,195. West Indian Tobacco closed at another record of $113 up 48 cents on the day as just 360 units traded. Clico Investment Fund enjoyed robust interest as investors traded 858,834 shares valued at $19,323,216, while the share advanced by $0.23 to end at $22.50. Sagicor Finance traded 31,762 shares in the main market at a value of $200,223, followed by Neal & Massy with 3,699 shares valued at $218,241.

IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 3 stocks were higher, with 3 stocks that had offers that were lower than their last selling price. The Indicator points to continued moderate market gains ahead.TTSEJun17

Stocks to watch: 17th June, 2013

IC Insider will be keeping a close watch on these stocks for movement during the week of 17th to 21st June 2013.

JSE Junior Market

  • Access Financial
  • AMG Packaging
  • Blue Power
  • Consolidated Bakeries
  • General Accident
  • Lasco Financial
  • Paramount Trading

JSE Main Market

  • Desnoes & Geddes
  • Jamaica Broilers
  • Jamaica Money Market Brokers
  • Mayberry
  • National Commercial Bank
  • Sagicor Life
  • Scotia Group


  • Clico Find
  • Grace
  • JMMB
  • Scotia Investments

TTSE: Republic dominates, new high for WITCO

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Friday, 14th Jun 2013 | Republic Bank of Trinidad may not have been the volume leader today but it more than made up by attracting more than $10 million of the $11 million traded for the day. West Indian Tobacco made a new high on the day, the only stock to reach a new high, trading as the stock moved up to $112.52 up 2 cents as 972 shares traded.

Main Market | The main market at the Trinidad & Tobago Stock exchange had a volume of 398,576 shares crossing the floor with a value of $11,072,781 much better than yesterday’s $1,652,262. Trinidad Cement was again the volume leader as was the case on Thursday with 281,871 shares changing hands for a value of $267,777. Republic Bank was the dominant traded stock, accounting for the bulk of the funds that were invested in the market as 94,140 shares traded for $10,355,400. Scotiabank traded 2,389 shares valued at $167,230 and closed at $70, up 29 cents for the day.

Clico Investment Fund gained 66 cents to end the day at $22.27; the fund saw trading in 170,598 shares valued at $3,799,892. In yesterdays trading, the stock gained 20 cents to end at $21.61.

Advances positive | The advance decline ratio remains positive with 5 stocks advancing and 1 declining, on a day 12 stocks traded.

IC sentiment indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer sentiment indicator is just mildly bullish with bids for 2 stocks higher and 3 stocks with offers lower than their last selling price.TTSEJun14

TTSE: WITCO another all time high

Thursday, 13th June 2013 | The West Indian Tobacco Company enjoyed the day’s largest gain, increasing $0.49 to end the day at $112.50, yet another all time high as the stock trades at a high PE ratio of 26 times earnings. The stock is still attractive from an income point of view with a yield of 3.4 percent compared with Treasury Bill rates in Trinidad of less than a percent. All indications are that this stock is still going higher. Scotiabank fell 29 cents to end the day at $69.71 as only 820 shares traded.

Main Market | The main market at the Trinidad & Tobago Stock exchange had a volume of 281,761 shares crossing the floor with a value of $1,652,262. Trinidad Cement saw 154,500 shares changing hands for a value of $147,975. Angostura Holdings traded a volume of 78,009 shares for $702,081. Sagicor Financial Corporation contributed 26,245 shares valued at $165,868. An infrequent trader, the Barbados headquartered First Caribbean International Bank accounted for 9,247 shares valued at $73,051.

Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 105,940 shares valued at $2,289,349.44 with the price advancing by $0.20 to end at $21.61

Advances positive | The advance decline ratio remains positive with 5 stocks advancing and 1 declining, on a day 14 stocks traded. At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer sentiment indicator shows that bids for 4 stocks were higher with 2 stocks that had offers that were lower than their last selling price which is just mildly bullish.


TTSE: Jamaican stocks dominate

Wednesday, 12th June 2013 | Three of the Jamaican companies that are listed on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange were the dominant ones that traded today with all three being the market leaders in terms of the volume traded. In the main market where 243,011 shares traded, the three Jamaican companies accounted for more than 134,000 of them. Grace Kennedy also chipped in with 12,105 units.

Trading in the main market amounted to $2,609,669. Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 50,000 shares for a value of $25,050 and lost 5 cents but there was a bid to buy 265,000 at a bid of 50 cents each, followed by National Commercial Bank Jamaica with a volume of 48,500 shares valued at $58,200. Scotia Investments Jamaica contributed 36,174 shares with a value of $64,390, there was a bid of 52,000 units at $1.78 while Guardian Holdings added 25,907 shares valued at $426,170 but the stock price fell $0.50 to close at $16.45 and the bid was at $16 for 4,765 shares while 22,229 was on offer at $16.85.

Clico Investment Fund traded 84,035 shares valued at $1,799,063 while gaining $0.16 to close at $21.41.

Overall 14 securities traded of which 4 advanced, 2 declined and 8 traded firm as three indices fell marginally.

At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 3 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.


TTSE: WITCO at all time high again

 Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | West Indian Tobacco Company (WITCO) continues to trade higher as the amount of stocks available to sell is limited at current price levels. As such, the stock closed at yet another all time high of $112.01 with only 100 shares trading. At the end of trading there were no stocks on offer and the bid was the same as the last selling price.

The market continued with low activity as 10 securities traded of which 3 advanced, 2 declined and 5 traded firm. At the close 4 stocks had bids that were higher and 4 had offers that were lower than their last selling price. 88,392 shares crossed the floor of the main exchange valued at $1,073,977. Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 7,606 shares valued at $161,651.

Trinidad Cement had 48,754 shares changing hands for a value of $46,439. Angostura Holdings had a volume of 24,381 shares being traded for $218,920, National Enterprises 7,284 shares with a value of $115,597, while Republic Bank contributed 5,330 shares valued at $586,300.


TTSE: Declines outnumber advances as index rises

Monday, 10th June 2013 | The market index rose on Monday although the number of stocks gaining was just one against 3 that declined, as a mere 8 securities traded on another lackluster trading session when 72,071 shares crossed the main floor of the exchange valued at $4,018,507 and 29,624 shares changed hands for a value of $558,190 in the Mutual Fund Market.

Trading activity on the First Tier Market registered a volume. ANSA Mcal was the volume leader with 50,000 shares changing hands for a value of $3,360,500.00, followed  Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 10,026 shares being traded for $591,534. National Flour Mills contributed 8,673 shares with a value of $6,505, while One Caribbean Media accounted for 3,280 shares valued at $56,580.

At the end of trading, bids for 4 stocks were higher and 4 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.


TTSE: Supply limited for stocks in demand

Friday, 7th June 2013 | Investors are just biding their time in picking up the stocks they desire in the Trinidad market. No one seems to be pushing up prices aggressively to get supplies. The same seems true for the sellers of stocks that are not in demand as they refuse to lower the prices they are offering. The end result is that prices are inching up or down on very low volume. Trading activity remains subdued on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange on Friday as only 10 securities traded of which 5 advanced, 1 declined and 4 traded firm. The indices hardly moved with such low market activity and price movements.

In the main market, 203,013 shares crossed the floor of the exchange valued at $5,069,043. Trinidad Cement accounted for more than half of the volume with 110,549 shares changing hands for a value of $105,902, followed by Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 61,566 shares traded for $3,632,394. National Flour Mills had 10,327 shares with a value of $7,745 changing hands, while Republic Bank saw 7,801 shares valued at $858,110 crossing the floor of the exchange.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 86,520 shares valued at $1,838,550. West Indian Tobacco Company reached an all time high closing at $112 up $1 on the day. Scotia Bank reached an all time high of $70 and so did One Caribbean Media at $17.15.

At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 5 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.

At the end of the day Jamaica Money Market had a bid at 57 cents, the equivalent of J$8.80 and Grace’s bid is $3.90 or J$60.45 but both stocks have no offers at the close. The clear message is that prices of these two will rise in the days ahead. Other stocks that seem clearly poised to move up in price are West Indian Tobacco Company and Scotia Bank. Unilever Caribbean is also poised to rise in price as well.


TTSE: Trading picks up

Thursday, 6th June 2013 | Trading picked up in Thursdays trading on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange with the advance decline ratio being positive. Thirteen securities changed hands of which 6 advanced, 2 declined and 5 traded firm, well above Wednesday’s trading, when only 4 companies traded. Three stocks traded at 52 weeks high at the end of trading.

Trading on the main market amounted to 584,217 shares valued at $4,741,343. Trinidad Cement traded 440,126 shares for a value of $418,120.  Neal & Massy Holdings had a volume of 60,080 shares trading for $3,544,720. There was trading in 27,063 shares Sagicor Financial Corporation with a value of $170,512, while Guardian Media added 20,548 shares valued at $405,823.

Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 33,186 shares valued at $704,072 while the price of the fund advanced by $0.17 to end at $21.22.

But by the end of trading, bids for 4 stocks were higher and 4 stocks had offers that were lower than the last selling price.


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