FX: Buying exceeds sales

Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | A total of US$31.1 million of foreign was purchased in today’s foreign exchange trading and US$26.7 million sold, but $24.26 million in US dollars were purchased and $21.3 million were sold at an average rate of J$100.30, 16 cents more than on Monday. Buying took place 3 cents lower than on Monday at $99.41. Buying of the Canadian and the Pound were once more greater than the amounts sold.

The Canadian was purchased for 38 cents less and the Pound for $1.76 more than on Monday. Selling took place at 6 cents less for the Canadian and 70 cents more for the pound.

The highest buying rate for the US dollar actually fell marginally but the selling rates moved up to 21 cents for the highest sell rate and 26 cent for the highest sell rate. All the rates for the Canadian dollar rose noticeably while those for the Pound were mixed with the lowest selling rate rising $3 and the highest sell rate shedding $1.70.



JSE: Attention switched to main market

Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | Only 5 stocks traded in the junior market today with AMG Packaging closing up 22 cents at $4.40 while trading 24,937 units. Lasco Distributors closed at $13 off 74 cents for the day as it traded 14.900 units. General Accident traded 149,954 units at $1.92 and Lasco Manufacturing was flat for the day in trading 28,750 units at $14.

In the main market, Grace Kennedy traded 1.17 million units between $58 and $58.75 before closing at $58, down $1. Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 706,000 units between $8.65 and $8.75 but closed at $8.65. Sagicor Life saw 319,000 shares swapping hands at $9 down 43 cents for Monday. Proven preference shares traded 1.336 million units at $5.09, National Commercial Bank closed up 30 cents at $19.50 at the close as 70,310 shares traded. Pan Jam rose 40 cents to close at $55.50. Seprod gained 39 cents to reach $15 at the close. Carreras traded 95,696 units while closing at $59 after loosing $1, the stock closed with its offer at $58.95. D&G had trading in 93,941 units at the closing price of $4.95 and at the end of trading there were 365,955 units with a bid at the closing price of $4.95.

In the end 4,502,486 shares traded for a value of $94.58 million as 23 stocks changed hands as 9 stocks registered price gains and 8 recorded declines. At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 5 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price

All the indices except the US dollar index where there was no trades and the junior market that slipped less than a point recorded moderate increases on the day.


TTSE: WITCO at all time high again

 Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | West Indian Tobacco Company (WITCO) continues to trade higher as the amount of stocks available to sell is limited at current price levels. As such, the stock closed at yet another all time high of $112.01 with only 100 shares trading. At the end of trading there were no stocks on offer and the bid was the same as the last selling price.

The market continued with low activity as 10 securities traded of which 3 advanced, 2 declined and 5 traded firm. At the close 4 stocks had bids that were higher and 4 had offers that were lower than their last selling price. 88,392 shares crossed the floor of the main exchange valued at $1,073,977. Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 7,606 shares valued at $161,651.

Trinidad Cement had 48,754 shares changing hands for a value of $46,439. Angostura Holdings had a volume of 24,381 shares being traded for $218,920, National Enterprises 7,284 shares with a value of $115,597, while Republic Bank contributed 5,330 shares valued at $586,300.


FX: Buying exceeds selling

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Monday, 10th June 2013 | The selling of US dollars to purchase BOJ bond instruments seems to have come to a halt in Monday’s trading as the buying of foreign exchange exceeded selling for the first time since the week ending May 31. Authorized dealers purchased US$32.78 million and sold US $30.16 million. C$1.2 million was purchased and C$933,500 was sold. GBP1.9 million was purchased and GBP985,000 was sold.

All the rates moved up marginally except the buying rate of pound sterling which moved up quite a bit. The movements in rates were more moderate than on Friday.

The US dollar put on 19 cents on the buying side while just barely inching up 6 cents on the sell side. For the Canadian dollar it took 10 cents more to buy the dollar while selling cost 49 cents more and for pound sterling the buying rate rose by $1.57 to $153.18 and selling rose to $155.64, some 20 cents more.

On Friday the US$ buying rate increased by 22 cents and the selling rate was up 15 cents, while the Canadian dollar buying rate was up $1.60, and the selling rate gained  81 cents. Buying rate down $2.30, selling rates up $0.56.



JSE: Light trading, advancers dominate

Monday, 10th June 2013 | Probably the most noted features of Monday’s trading was the continued strong positive advance decline ratio which started in the first week in April. At the end of the day, the indication from the bids and offers suggest further gains ahead with bids for 11 stocks being higher and only 1 stock had the offer that was lower than the last selling price.

A total of 3,390,391 shares valued at $22,151,233 traded, on a day when 24 stocks traded with 11 gaining and 4 declined in price continuing a strong advance decline ratio that has been present throughout May and now into June.

Trading was on the light side as only Jamaica Money Market Brokers exceeded the million share mark with 1.5 million units valued at $13 million. Caribbean Creams traded 613,481 units and Caribbean Producers 420,613 units were the other volumes of note.

Price movements were moderate with National Commercial Bank gaining 20 cents to close at $19.20, Sagicor Life closed at $9.43 up 3 cents and Scotia Group up 50 cents to close at $22, having traded as high as $23 during trading.

Access Financial Services reached a new all time high of $8.10 as well as Blue Power which closed at $8.10.

Stocks to watch

  • Access
  • Blue Power
  • Consolidated Bakeries
  • JMMB
  • Sagicor Investments


TTSE: Declines outnumber advances as index rises

Monday, 10th June 2013 | The market index rose on Monday although the number of stocks gaining was just one against 3 that declined, as a mere 8 securities traded on another lackluster trading session when 72,071 shares crossed the main floor of the exchange valued at $4,018,507 and 29,624 shares changed hands for a value of $558,190 in the Mutual Fund Market.

Trading activity on the First Tier Market registered a volume. ANSA Mcal was the volume leader with 50,000 shares changing hands for a value of $3,360,500.00, followed  Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 10,026 shares being traded for $591,534. National Flour Mills contributed 8,673 shares with a value of $6,505, while One Caribbean Media accounted for 3,280 shares valued at $56,580.

At the end of trading, bids for 4 stocks were higher and 4 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.


FX: BOJ buys as J$ hits $100 mark

Friday, 7th June 2013 | The Jamaican dollar hit the dreaded $100 mark to the US dollar on Friday but Bank of Jamaica seems to have been the major buyer of the foreign funds as opposed to serious speculation of the local dollar. The central bank, in response to an ICInsider query, stated, “please note that Jamaica Dollar liquidity conditions were constrained during last week (3-7 June), given fairly strong subscriptions to the longer tenors of BOJ instruments on offer. In that context, several institutions sold USD to BOJ to shore up their Jamaica Dollar positions.”

Trading patterns seemed odd for the past two weeks as the dealers bought US$17 million more in the week ending May 31 but sold substantially more than they bought in the week ending on Friday, in a scenario that did not appear to be buying pressure even as the average selling rate slipped to hit J$100 to the US dollar on Friday.

In a market where demand was greater that supply, dealers would most likely be selling what they purchased and not much more as occurred during the current week. This suggested that they were switching from foreign currency holdings to local currency and this was supported by the presence of the two bonds that were on the market with that objective in mind. The bonds that were put out by Bank of Jamaica was to tighten Jamaican dollar liquidity and pump more foreign currencies into the central bank coffers closed on Friday.

Dealers bought US$24.65 million on Friday and sold $37.97 million, they bought GBP2.35 million and sold GBP800,986 and sold C$866,000 while buying C$1.25 million.



JSE: Profit taking took prices down

Friday, 7th June 2013 | The market indices that had trading activity recorded declines even as the advance decline ratio was one to one, with 8 stocks advancing and 8 declining. But by the end of trading, bids for 8 stocks were higher and 2 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price. Trading was much lighter than for most of the week with 3,738,986 units valued at $21.2 million as only 25 companies had stocks trading.

The all Jamaica composite index closed down 498.47 points at 89,195.42 and the main market index closed at 87,495.76 falling 283.14 and the junior market index closed at 747.27 down 2.68 points.

Price movements | Grace lost $1 in closing at $59, less than the bid price in Trinidad, NCB lost $3 to close at $19, similar to the price in Trinidad. JMMB lost 34 cents to close at $8.65 close to the Trinidad closing price, Sagicor Life lost 40 cents and closed at $8.60.

One noticeable trade was Caribbean Creams that traded 948,000 units, the largest volume for the day, between $1.03 and $1.10 all but 21,000 were purchased by Mayberry Investments for their own account.


TTSE: Supply limited for stocks in demand

Friday, 7th June 2013 | Investors are just biding their time in picking up the stocks they desire in the Trinidad market. No one seems to be pushing up prices aggressively to get supplies. The same seems true for the sellers of stocks that are not in demand as they refuse to lower the prices they are offering. The end result is that prices are inching up or down on very low volume. Trading activity remains subdued on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange on Friday as only 10 securities traded of which 5 advanced, 1 declined and 4 traded firm. The indices hardly moved with such low market activity and price movements.

In the main market, 203,013 shares crossed the floor of the exchange valued at $5,069,043. Trinidad Cement accounted for more than half of the volume with 110,549 shares changing hands for a value of $105,902, followed by Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 61,566 shares traded for $3,632,394. National Flour Mills had 10,327 shares with a value of $7,745 changing hands, while Republic Bank saw 7,801 shares valued at $858,110 crossing the floor of the exchange.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 86,520 shares valued at $1,838,550. West Indian Tobacco Company reached an all time high closing at $112 up $1 on the day. Scotia Bank reached an all time high of $70 and so did One Caribbean Media at $17.15.

At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 5 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.

At the end of the day Jamaica Money Market had a bid at 57 cents, the equivalent of J$8.80 and Grace’s bid is $3.90 or J$60.45 but both stocks have no offers at the close. The clear message is that prices of these two will rise in the days ahead. Other stocks that seem clearly poised to move up in price are West Indian Tobacco Company and Scotia Bank. Unilever Caribbean is also poised to rise in price as well.


FX: US$ buying less than selling

Wednesday & Thursday, 6th & 7th June 2013

USD | Trading on the foreign exchange market has seen heavy buying of the US dollars by end users compared with much less buying by authorised dealers for the past four trading days. Thursday trades were no exception as $18.4 million US dollars were purchased while $33.8 million were sold. The rates moved up to an average of $99.04 on the buying side and $99.93 on the sell side up 21 cents for the day.

In Wednesdays trading, US$23.6 million were purchased and US$38.5 million were sold while the buying rate went up 27 cents to $98.99 and the sell rate climbed 12 cents to $99.72.

CND | The Canadian dollar climbed on the buying side by 24 cent to $95 but fell for selling by 15 cents to $97.09 with C$780,908 bought and C$516,282 sold.

On Wednesday C$685.658 was bought and C$451,935 sold with the buying rate falling by 88 cents to $94.76 and the selling rate rising to $97.24 up 35 cents.

GBP  | The Pound Sterling traded £3.18 million at a buying rate of $153.91 up $3.14 from Wednesday’s buying rate and £2.48 million was sold at an average rate of $154.88 up $2.10 on the day. On Wednesday £1.76 were purchased at an average arte of $150.77 up 70 cents from Tuesday and selling amounted to £501,000 at a rate of $152.77 up 35 cents.





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