TTSE: WITCO another all time high

Thursday, 13th June 2013 | The West Indian Tobacco Company enjoyed the day’s largest gain, increasing $0.49 to end the day at $112.50, yet another all time high as the stock trades at a high PE ratio of 26 times earnings. The stock is still attractive from an income point of view with a yield of 3.4 percent compared with Treasury Bill rates in Trinidad of less than a percent. All indications are that this stock is still going higher. Scotiabank fell 29 cents to end the day at $69.71 as only 820 shares traded.

Main Market | The main market at the Trinidad & Tobago Stock exchange had a volume of 281,761 shares crossing the floor with a value of $1,652,262. Trinidad Cement saw 154,500 shares changing hands for a value of $147,975. Angostura Holdings traded a volume of 78,009 shares for $702,081. Sagicor Financial Corporation contributed 26,245 shares valued at $165,868. An infrequent trader, the Barbados headquartered First Caribbean International Bank accounted for 9,247 shares valued at $73,051.

Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 105,940 shares valued at $2,289,349.44 with the price advancing by $0.20 to end at $21.61

Advances positive | The advance decline ratio remains positive with 5 stocks advancing and 1 declining, on a day 14 stocks traded. At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer sentiment indicator shows that bids for 4 stocks were higher with 2 stocks that had offers that were lower than their last selling price which is just mildly bullish.


FX: Lowest US selling rate hiked $15.33

Wednesday 12th June 2013 | The lowest selling rate for the US dollar jumped $15.33 to $97 in today’s trading. The highest buying rate also climbed but by a smaller $1.05. the highest rate for the pound climbed by 90 cents today and the lowest buying rates moved up $1.12 for the pound while the British currency was sold at the highest rate of $1.08 more than yesterdays $159.12 but the currency was sold at it lowest of $2 less than on Tuesday.

Once again, the amount of funds purchased exceeded the amounts sold as a total of $29.69 million US equivalent was purchased while selling amounted to US$28.3 million as all the rates moved up with the buying rates climbing the most for the Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar by $1.02 and $1.58 respectively.

The selling rate for the US dollar inched up another 16 cents the same as yesterday and the Canadian 15 cents and the Pound 60 cents.



JSE: Juniors pick up

Wednesday, 12th June 2013 | While there were only 5 stocks traded on the junior market yesterday, today’s activity resulted in 11 stocks traded. With the exception of Blue Power that traded at an all time high of $8.65, up 64 cents for the day, as 52,315 units traded, price movement in the junior market was generally moderate. The overall stock market seems to have lost some of the recent sparkle as investors seem to have priced in a fair bit of the improved results of companies or adjusted for the undervaluation of others. The market may just be consolidating for awhile before moving in a major way again. This is worth watching.

Dolphin Cove traded 800,000 units to be the largest trade in the junior market and second largest trade for the day for the overall stock exchange. The stock closed at $8.45, a 52 weeks high. Sagicor Life traded 2,011,745 units as the stock closed at $9.01, having traded between $8.80 and $9.01.

Grace Kennedy traded up $1 to at $59 while trading 23,167 units. Lasco Distributors closed at $13.50 up 50 cents with a volume of 19,297 units trading. Lasco Financial Services lost 29 cents to close at $9.70 on small volume. Carib Cement traded as high as $1 in early trading but closed at $0.90. Consolidated Bakeries traded 58,750 shares at $1.15, in continuation of recovery from the sharp sell off when the company released poor full year results earlier this year. Lasco Manufacturing traded firm at $14.10 with 101,610 units changing hands.

The various market indices inched up a bit except the cross listed and US dollar indices where there was no traded stock. The advance decline ratio remains positive with 11 stocks advancing and 6 declining, on a day when 4.1 million shares changed hands with a value of $34.7 million.

At the end of trading, bids for 8 stocks were higher and no stock had an offer that was lower than their last selling price.


TTSE: Jamaican stocks dominate

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Wednesday, 12th June 2013 | Three of the Jamaican companies that are listed on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange were the dominant ones that traded today with all three being the market leaders in terms of the volume traded. In the main market where 243,011 shares traded, the three Jamaican companies accounted for more than 134,000 of them. Grace Kennedy also chipped in with 12,105 units.

Trading in the main market amounted to $2,609,669. Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 50,000 shares for a value of $25,050 and lost 5 cents but there was a bid to buy 265,000 at a bid of 50 cents each, followed by National Commercial Bank Jamaica with a volume of 48,500 shares valued at $58,200. Scotia Investments Jamaica contributed 36,174 shares with a value of $64,390, there was a bid of 52,000 units at $1.78 while Guardian Holdings added 25,907 shares valued at $426,170 but the stock price fell $0.50 to close at $16.45 and the bid was at $16 for 4,765 shares while 22,229 was on offer at $16.85.

Clico Investment Fund traded 84,035 shares valued at $1,799,063 while gaining $0.16 to close at $21.41.

Overall 14 securities traded of which 4 advanced, 2 declined and 8 traded firm as three indices fell marginally.

At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 3 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.


FX: Buying exceeds sales

Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | A total of US$31.1 million of foreign was purchased in today’s foreign exchange trading and US$26.7 million sold, but $24.26 million in US dollars were purchased and $21.3 million were sold at an average rate of J$100.30, 16 cents more than on Monday. Buying took place 3 cents lower than on Monday at $99.41. Buying of the Canadian and the Pound were once more greater than the amounts sold.

The Canadian was purchased for 38 cents less and the Pound for $1.76 more than on Monday. Selling took place at 6 cents less for the Canadian and 70 cents more for the pound.

The highest buying rate for the US dollar actually fell marginally but the selling rates moved up to 21 cents for the highest sell rate and 26 cent for the highest sell rate. All the rates for the Canadian dollar rose noticeably while those for the Pound were mixed with the lowest selling rate rising $3 and the highest sell rate shedding $1.70.



JSE: Attention switched to main market

Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | Only 5 stocks traded in the junior market today with AMG Packaging closing up 22 cents at $4.40 while trading 24,937 units. Lasco Distributors closed at $13 off 74 cents for the day as it traded 14.900 units. General Accident traded 149,954 units at $1.92 and Lasco Manufacturing was flat for the day in trading 28,750 units at $14.

In the main market, Grace Kennedy traded 1.17 million units between $58 and $58.75 before closing at $58, down $1. Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 706,000 units between $8.65 and $8.75 but closed at $8.65. Sagicor Life saw 319,000 shares swapping hands at $9 down 43 cents for Monday. Proven preference shares traded 1.336 million units at $5.09, National Commercial Bank closed up 30 cents at $19.50 at the close as 70,310 shares traded. Pan Jam rose 40 cents to close at $55.50. Seprod gained 39 cents to reach $15 at the close. Carreras traded 95,696 units while closing at $59 after loosing $1, the stock closed with its offer at $58.95. D&G had trading in 93,941 units at the closing price of $4.95 and at the end of trading there were 365,955 units with a bid at the closing price of $4.95.

In the end 4,502,486 shares traded for a value of $94.58 million as 23 stocks changed hands as 9 stocks registered price gains and 8 recorded declines. At the end of the day, bids for 2 stocks were higher and 5 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price

All the indices except the US dollar index where there was no trades and the junior market that slipped less than a point recorded moderate increases on the day.


TTSE: WITCO at all time high again

 Tuesday, 11th June 2013 | West Indian Tobacco Company (WITCO) continues to trade higher as the amount of stocks available to sell is limited at current price levels. As such, the stock closed at yet another all time high of $112.01 with only 100 shares trading. At the end of trading there were no stocks on offer and the bid was the same as the last selling price.

The market continued with low activity as 10 securities traded of which 3 advanced, 2 declined and 5 traded firm. At the close 4 stocks had bids that were higher and 4 had offers that were lower than their last selling price. 88,392 shares crossed the floor of the main exchange valued at $1,073,977. Clico Investment Fund posted a volume of 7,606 shares valued at $161,651.

Trinidad Cement had 48,754 shares changing hands for a value of $46,439. Angostura Holdings had a volume of 24,381 shares being traded for $218,920, National Enterprises 7,284 shares with a value of $115,597, while Republic Bank contributed 5,330 shares valued at $586,300.


FX: Buying exceeds selling

Monday, 10th June 2013 | The selling of US dollars to purchase BOJ bond instruments seems to have come to a halt in Monday’s trading as the buying of foreign exchange exceeded selling for the first time since the week ending May 31. Authorized dealers purchased US$32.78 million and sold US $30.16 million. C$1.2 million was purchased and C$933,500 was sold. GBP1.9 million was purchased and GBP985,000 was sold.

All the rates moved up marginally except the buying rate of pound sterling which moved up quite a bit. The movements in rates were more moderate than on Friday.

The US dollar put on 19 cents on the buying side while just barely inching up 6 cents on the sell side. For the Canadian dollar it took 10 cents more to buy the dollar while selling cost 49 cents more and for pound sterling the buying rate rose by $1.57 to $153.18 and selling rose to $155.64, some 20 cents more.

On Friday the US$ buying rate increased by 22 cents and the selling rate was up 15 cents, while the Canadian dollar buying rate was up $1.60, and the selling rate gained  81 cents. Buying rate down $2.30, selling rates up $0.56.



JSE: Light trading, advancers dominate

Monday, 10th June 2013 | Probably the most noted features of Monday’s trading was the continued strong positive advance decline ratio which started in the first week in April. At the end of the day, the indication from the bids and offers suggest further gains ahead with bids for 11 stocks being higher and only 1 stock had the offer that was lower than the last selling price.

A total of 3,390,391 shares valued at $22,151,233 traded, on a day when 24 stocks traded with 11 gaining and 4 declined in price continuing a strong advance decline ratio that has been present throughout May and now into June.

Trading was on the light side as only Jamaica Money Market Brokers exceeded the million share mark with 1.5 million units valued at $13 million. Caribbean Creams traded 613,481 units and Caribbean Producers 420,613 units were the other volumes of note.

Price movements were moderate with National Commercial Bank gaining 20 cents to close at $19.20, Sagicor Life closed at $9.43 up 3 cents and Scotia Group up 50 cents to close at $22, having traded as high as $23 during trading.

Access Financial Services reached a new all time high of $8.10 as well as Blue Power which closed at $8.10.

Stocks to watch

  • Access
  • Blue Power
  • Consolidated Bakeries
  • JMMB
  • Sagicor Investments


TTSE: Declines outnumber advances as index rises

Monday, 10th June 2013 | The market index rose on Monday although the number of stocks gaining was just one against 3 that declined, as a mere 8 securities traded on another lackluster trading session when 72,071 shares crossed the main floor of the exchange valued at $4,018,507 and 29,624 shares changed hands for a value of $558,190 in the Mutual Fund Market.

Trading activity on the First Tier Market registered a volume. ANSA Mcal was the volume leader with 50,000 shares changing hands for a value of $3,360,500.00, followed  Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 10,026 shares being traded for $591,534. National Flour Mills contributed 8,673 shares with a value of $6,505, while One Caribbean Media accounted for 3,280 shares valued at $56,580.

At the end of trading, bids for 4 stocks were higher and 4 stocks had offers that were lower than their last selling price.


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