More grounds lost by J$ on Friday

1000front The Jamaican dollar lost more value on Friday even as dealers bought $3 million more in United States dollar terms than they sold. Trading ended with the equivalent of US$31,852,692 bought by dealers, compared with US$26,978,758 on Thursday, while they sold the equivalent of US$28,523,499, versus US$26,028,106 previously.
In US dollar trading , dealers bought US$29,664,276 compared to US$24,942,235 on Thursday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 1 cent to $118.18 and US$27,412,881 was sold versus US$24,919,250 on Thursday, the selling rate rose 6 cents to close at $118.82. The Canadian dollar buying rate climbed 67 cents to $87.55, with dealers buying C$652,180 and selling C$545,228, at an average rate that rose $1.18 to $90.32. FX sum 18-9-15The rate for buying the British Pound climbed $1.41 to $181.84 for the purchase of £1,005,852, while £334,870 was sold, at an average rate that rose $1.14 to end at $184.11. At the end of trading, it took J$134.40 to purchase the Euro, a rise of 26 cents on Thursday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$131.75, for an increase of 51 cents from Thursday’s rate. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded, amounts to US$157,593 being bought, while US$177,302 was sold.
Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar declined 30 cents to $119 on Friday. The lowest buying rate rose 9 cents to $97.28, the highest selling rate rose 11 cents to $124.66 and the lowest selling rate jumped $18.11 to $115.30. FX H&L 18-9-15The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar dropped 90 cents to $90.30, the lowest buying rate added 42 cents to $71.63, the highest selling rate rose 59 cents to end at $93.09 and the lowest selling rate added $1.20 to end at $86.70. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, rose 15 cents to $184.65, the lowest buying rate gained 50 cents to $147.99, the highest selling rate fell 53 cents to $189.61 and the lowest selling rate gained $1.50 to $177.50.

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