Junior market up strongly again

Activity on the Junior Market closed with 7 securities trading and ending with 163,012 units changing hands valued at $287,277. The JSE Junior Market Index climbed 14.51 points on top of the 13.55 points gained on Friday, to close at 704.09, with the price of 3 advancing and 2 declining.
JM chrt 2-2-15At the close of the market, there were 3 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer. The junior market ended with 4 securities closing with no bids to buy and there were 6 securities that had no stocks being offered for sale.
Stocks trading are, Caribbean Producers finishing with 41,000 units to close with a gain of 20 cents at $2.30. Consolidated Bakeries closed with 5,500 units and put on 8 cents at 90 cents, Lasco Distributors finished trading with 810 shares while gaining 10 cents to $1.40, Lasco Financial ended with 65,774 units trading, to end at $1.05. Lasco Manufacturing concluded transactions in 1,300 units at $1.20, Honey Bun closed with 9,486 units trading as the price slipped 10 cents to $1.90 and Jamaican Teas closed with 39,142 shares, trading lower by 9 cents, to $2.51.

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