JSE shares fall in early trading – Tuesday

The Jamaica Stock Exchange market stocks indices fell in Tuesday morning trading with volume increasing over Monday’s levels.
ICI JSE int trd 11-10-16At 10.55 am, a total of 28 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 2,592,474 shares changing hands carrying a value of $31,641,641, compared to 621,667 shares changing hands carrying a value of $3,693,105 on Monday.
The average number of shares traded amounts to 92,588 units compared to 28,258 on Monday. Market activity resulted in 10 stocks falling while the prices of 5 securities rose.
Cable & Wireless traded 103,300 units at 98 cents, JMMB Group 7.50% preference shares had 442,000 units at $1.10, Radio Jamaica 105,595 shares at $1.55, Sagicor Group traded 1,006,427 shares at $23.82, Caribbean Cream traded 55,000 at $9.45, Lasco Distributors had 203,221 shares traded at $7 after losing 89 cents and Lasco Financial Services had 301,293 units changing hands at $3.20.
The all Jamaica Composite Index fell 211.65 points to 186,202.76 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index fell 189.25 points to 167,540.16, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index slipped 682.12 points to close at 180,322.46 and the junior market index dived 49.31 points to 2,428.47.

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