JMMB Insiders sell big

Jamaica Money Market Brokers profits for the year to December 2013 was up 46 percent from ongoing operations putting earnings per share at $1.32 for the nine months period to December, which suggest that the stock is highly undervalued and should be very attractive with a PE of 4 times the 2013/14 earnings.

But some insiders can’t wait for the payoff down the road as the company advised that five related parties sold a total of 9,663,800 JMMB shares during the period March 17 – 18, 2014.

However, this is not the only sale of large amounts in recent times as a connected party sold 1,500,000 of the shares on March 4, 2014. A Director sold a relatively small amount of 31,146 JMMB shares on March 11, 2014 but there was a big sell out of 19,464,448 shares on February 17, 2014.

JMMB is an IC Insider Buy Rated Stock.

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