FX: US$8M surplus purchases, J$ below $105

Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 |  The forex market reopened on Tuesday after the Heroes’ holiday closure with the currency purchased by dealers coming in at US$8 million more than the amount sold, only one trading day after the central bank’s intervention resulted in a surplus of US$4.5 million. The surplus should place some downward pressure on the rate in the short term at least.

Total purchases in the market on Tuesday represented two normal trading day’s transactions amounting to the equivalent of US$63,057,239 whiles sales totalled US$54,993,416.

The amount of US dollars purchased by dealers on Tuesday was US$58,328,934 at an average rate of $104.50 representing a 20 cents reduction on Friday’s close, while  the amount sold was US$51,014,352 at an average rate of $104.99, down by 2 cents, having slipped back below the $105 mark.

There was buying for C$1,358,257, as the buying rate dropped by 54 cents to $99.997 whiles sales amounted to C$2,010,791 as the selling rate moved up by 87 cents to $103.26.

The amount of British Pounds purchased was £2,011,635 at $167.14, down 84 cents and selling amounted to £1,085,610 at a selling rate that was higher by 80 cents to $171.31.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Oct22Highs & lows | The highest buying rate for the US dollar was unchanged at $106.75 but the lowest buying rate increased 17 cents to $85.17. The highest selling rate was unchanged at $109.14 and the lowest selling rate dropped $16.99 to hit $85.01.

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar climbed $1.50 to end at $104.50. The lowest buying rate was 50 cents higher at $81.26 while the highest selling rate gained 25 cents to $104.75 and the lowest selling increased by 60 cents to $97.90.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Oct22The highest buying rate for the Pound was 30 cents higher at $172.30 while the lowest moved up $1.62 to $135.29. The highest selling rate was up $2.27 to $175.27 and the lowest selling gained a $1 to $163.80.

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