FX: US$ sell rate falls, also GBP rates

Monday, 13th January 2014 | In Forex trading, total currency purchases amounted to US$41,818,461 and selling of US$43,964,802 as the US dollar declined and Canadian dollar rose against the Jamaican dollar.

Purchases of the US dollar currency amounted to US$35,368,225, slightly more than the US$24,088,617 purchased on Friday.  The buying rate rose by 3 cents to end at $105.99 and selling climbed to US$40,418,942 but the rate fell by 5 cents to $106.69. Sales on Friday was US$30,874,993 in contrast. The Canadian dollar gained 37 cents in buying C$2,028,009 to close at $96.05 and C$1,278,207 was sold at $98.09, a gain of 21 cents.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Jan13Purchases of the British Pound amounted to £2,357,508, and the rate fell by $1.57 to $172.74 and selling amounted to £1,019,811. The rate fell 94 cents to $145.97. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$763,267 with selling of US$698,202.

Highs & Lows | The highest buying rate for the US dollar closed at $107.60, increasing by 50 cents, the low was unchanged at $86.42. The highest selling rate moved up by 53 cents to $111.28 and the low dropped $16.18 to $86.42.

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar ended at $99, a 50 cents increase, while the low remained at $78.02. The highest selling rate ended up $1 at $103 and the lowest closed unchanged at $94.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Jan13The highest buying rate for the British Pound ended at $176.65, up 25 cents and the low closed up $1.16 at $141.10. The highest selling rate grew by $3.94 cents to end at $181.90 and the low closed at $170, up by 90 cents.

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