FX: US$ rates rise, Pound falls

Tuesday, 14th January 2014 |  In forex trading, the US dollar rates climbed while the Pound sterling declined and the Canadian dollar rates were mixed.

Purchases of the US dollar currency amounted to US$25,354,603 as the buying rate rose by 10 cents to end at $106.09 and selling amounted to US$21,692,122 but the rate inched up by 2 cents to $106.71.

The Canadian dollar gained 32 cents in buying C$1,579,432 to close at $96.74 and C$927,912 was sold at $98.90, a fall of 19 cents.

Purchases of the British Pound amounted to £1,132,395 but the rate was unchanged at $172.73 and selling amounted to £448,682, the rate fell 30 cents to $174.67.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Jan14Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$229,172 with selling of US$484,436. Total currency purchases amounted to US$28,867,835 and selling of US$23,762,273, US dollar equivalent.

Highs & Lows | The highest buying rate for the US dollar closed at $107.25, a decline of 35 cents, the lowest buying rate climbed 42 cents to $86.84. The highest selling rate dropped by $1.87 to $109.41 but the low was unchanged at $86.42.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Jan14The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar ended at $99.26, a 26 cents increase, while the low remained at $78.02. The highest selling rate fell by $2.50 at $100.50 and the lowest closed up 35 cents at $94.35.

The highest buying rate for the British Pound ended at $176.20, down 45 cents and the low fell 83 cents at $140.27. The highest selling rate dropped by $3.79 cents to end at $178.11 and the low closed down $1 at $169.

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