FX: Selling rates up for all

Wednesday, 4th September 2013 | As the level of buying of foreign currency falls well below demand, the selling rates for all three major currencies appreciated against the local currency with the US dollar selling at 3 cents more than on Tuesday at $101.17 as $24.84 million were sold versus US$20.4 million bought at an average of $101.33 a 16 cents decline on Tuesday’s closing rate.

The Canadian dollar was sold on average for 47 cents more than Tuesday’s closing rate for C$883,200, while the currency was bought at 8 cents lower than on Tuesday and closed at $95.21 as $592,000 was purchased. The Pound Sterling buying rate increased by $1.08 to close at $157.88 as £1,167,212 and £945,113 was sold at 62 cents higher at $159.81.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Sep4For the US dollar, the highest buying rate gained 10 cent to $103.00, lowest buying rate was unchanged at 84.17 while the highest selling rate was 3 cents higher at the close at $107.86 and the lowest declined by $15.31 to close at $84.04.

All of the highest and lowest rates for the Canadian dollar climbed with the highest buying rate increasing by 15 cents to $97.50, the lowest was up 8 cents to 78.35. The highest selling rate for the Canadian was up by 21 cents to $101.22 and the lowest moved up by 25 cents to $94.65.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Sep4The Pound sterling saw the highest buy rate moving up 25 cents to $160.20 with the lowest being up $6.06 to $135.29. The highest selling rate was down $4.44 to $162.16 and the lowest down 30 cents $154.15.

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