FX: Rates keep on the up

Friday, 13th September | Although authorised dealers bought the equivalent of US$34.36 million and sold US$33 million, all the selling rates moved up during forex trading today.

Buying took place for US$28,158,391 at an average rate of $101.8516 up 36 cents, C$1,706,762 was purchased for an average of $98.3431 up $1.23 and £2,793,935 for an average of $160.5862 at one cent less than on Thursday.

Dealers sold the US$28,836,956 $102.448 at 7 cents more than on Thursday and sold C$1,213,697 at an average of $99.4587, an increase of 40 cents and £1,815,192 at an average of $163.225 or 22 cents more.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Sep13Upper and lower ends | Trading at the upper end of the rate spectrum left the highest buying rate for the US dollar at $103.10 just 5 cents less than the day before with no changes for the other rates which remained at $84.34 for the lowest buying, $108.07 for the highest selling and $99.80 for the lowest selling rates.

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar was $99.80 for an increase of 20 cents and the lowest $80.18 or 33 cents higher while the lowest selling rate climbed 43 cents to$103.36 and the lowest increased by 15 cents to $96.15.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Sep13The highest buying rate for the British Pound was $163.45.\, a decline of just 20 cents and the lowest $131.56 or 42 cents higher, while the lowest selling rate dropped $4.47 cents to $164.59 and the lowest increased by $2.60 to $155.60.

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