FX: Huge sell day

Monday, 12th August 2013 | Today was characterised by large selling of US dollars by authorised dealers as the equivalent of US$60.6 million was sold against US$45.5 million bought. The rates for changing the currencies remained fairly settled as just 8 cents was shaved off the buying rate for the US dollar with no change for the selling rate. The Canadian dollar increased by 19 cents on the buy side and 13 cents on the selling rate. It took 44 cents more for dealers to purchase the Pound but sales were done at 54 cents less.

Highest lowest | Buying of the US dollar took place as much as $102.50, an increase of 35 cents over the prior rate but the lowest rate paid by them remained unchanged at $83.67. Selling took place as high as $107.32, which is an 11 cents increase while they sold the dollar as low as $83.67, off by $1.98.

The Canadian currency fetched a high of $99.10 when bought by dealers, just 5 cents lower than on Friday but the lowest the dealers bought the Maple leaf currency for was $79.68 up $1 and it took 64 cents more for selling at the highest rate of $102.72 and $1.60 more for the lowest sell rate of $96.

The rates for the Pound were mostly lower except for the highest buying rate, which climbed by 96 cents to $165.21 and the lowest sell rate that fell by $1.95 to reach $150. The highest buy rate slipped by 40 cents and the lowest by 13 cents.



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