FX: Buying greater than sales

Thursday, 5th September, 2013 | In today’s forex trading, authorised dealers bought US$26.3 million and sold US$23.68 million as the selling rate for the US dollar fell slightly while the buying rates eased up a few cents. The Canadian selling rate fell and the buying rate rose as the Pound selling rate went up and the buying rate fell.

Authorised dealers bought US$21,039,750 for 10 cents more than on Wednesday’s rate at $101.433 and sold US$20,414,335 at 2 cents less at $102.154. Dealers bought C$1,022,519 at $95.5248 which is 31 cent higher than the closing rate on Wednesday and sold C$783,534 at $97.5485 at 55 cents less. The amount of Pound sterling bought was £2,632,515 at $157.6334 costing 25 cents less than Wednesday’s rate and the amount sold was £1,316,063 at $160.075 at 26 cents more.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Sep5The highest buying rate for the US dollar was $102.75 down 25 cents while the currency was bought as low as $84.17, the same rate as the day before. The selling selling high of $107.86 remained unchanged and the selling low at $86.22 for a $2.18 increase.

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar was $97.70, up 20 cents and sold as low as $78.52, up 17 cents. Selling was as high as $101.44 reflecting an increase of 22 cents and as low as $94.00, down 65 cents.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Sep5The highest buying rate for the Pound sterling was 161.77 up $1.57 and as low as $129.48 down $5.81. Selling was high as $166.92 up $4.76 and sold as low as $153.65 down 50 cents.

Image courtesy of Marcus/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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