FX: BOJ intervention revalues J$

Thursday, 23th January 2014 | The selling rate for the US dollar remains above J$107 but the selling rate inched down a bit on Thursday while the Canadian dollar and the British Pound suffered declines on both the buying and selling rates against the Jamaican dollar.

Authorised dealers bought a total US$59,269,945 of all currencies and sold the equivalent of US$61,911,209. Our source indicates that the Bank of Jamaica intervened in the market by selling approximately US$10 million to dealers.

Authorised dealers bought US$56,481,104 in United States currency at $106.92 for an increase of 4 cents and sold US$59,940,115 as the average rate inched down a cent to $107.19. Dealers bought C$930,397, the rate fell by 50 cents to $95.25 and C$626,264 was sold with the rate falling 71 cents to $97.09. The British Pound was bought at an average rate of $174.71, a fall of $1.25 as £1,029,444 was purchased, and only £607,375 was sold for a decline of 40 cents at $177.61.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Jan23Other currencies bought amounted to US$277,711 with US$397,459 sold.

Highs & Lows | The highest buying rate for the US dollar fell by 55 cents to end at $107.80, the lowest buying rate was unchanged at $87.26. The highest selling rate closed at $110.25 for a 69 cents decrease and the low moved was up to $97.33 by $10.07

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar fell $1 to end at $97.20 and the lowest buying rate ended 54 cents more at $78.44. The highest selling rate was unchanged at $100 and the low was up by 15 cents to $94.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Jan23The highest buying rate for the British Pound eased by 90 cents to $178.70; the lowest buying rate fell $1.71 to $143.30. The highest selling rate of $181.47, up 92 cents, the lowest selling rate of moved up by $1.75 to $172.65.

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