FX: Big trading day greets week

Monday, 3oth December 2013 | The first day of the last week of the year enjoyed a big day of forex trading with a total of the equivalent of US$56,567,718 purchased while selling accounted for the equivalent of US$44,805,418.

The purchasing of the United States currency amounted to US$49,217,733 as the rate moved up 29 cents to $105.67 and selling of US$41,565,468 as the rate inched down 6 cents, to $106.32. Trading of Canadian dollars amounted to purchases of C$2,468,790 as the rate declined by 36 cents to $97.38; there was selling of C$1,391,396 with the rate dropping $1.25 to $99.38. Purchasing of the British Pound was £2,914,703 with rate down by 29 cents to $172.21 and £917,667 was sold and the rate moving up 64 cents to $175.27.

FX_TRADE+Currency+Dec30Highs & Lows | The US dollar highest and lowest buying and highest selling rates remained unchanged at $107.00, $86.01 and $110.21 respectfully, while the lowest selling rate dropped $16.39 to $86.01.

The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar increased by 60 cents to $101.50, the lowest buying rate remained unchanged at $79.43 while the highest selling rate increased 50 cents to $103.00 and the lowest moved up 30 cents to $96.00.

FX_TRADE+HighLow+Dec30The highest buying rate for the British Pound remained unchanged at $176.30 but the lowest fell 21 cents to $138.61, the highest selling rate fell 26 cents to $178.49 and the lowest jumped $19.60 to $167.00.

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