Declining stocks ahead of gainers

The Jamaican stock market recorded moderate gains on Thursday as 6 stocks rose and 9 declined in the overall market.
JSE cl cht 19-3-15The JSE Market Index gained 31 points to end at 82,563.78, the JSE All Jamaican Composite index that gained 34 points to close at 91,028.44 and the JSE combined index fell 41 points to close at 84,253.49.
The total 4,999,406 units traded with a value of $37,729,585 in all markets as 22 securities traded one more than Wednesday. The largest trades in the main market are, Desnoes & Geddes traded 1,546,034 shares, Mayberry had 939,109 units trading, Sagicor Group traded 405,350 and Scotia Group traded 410,525 shares and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference shares with 573,150 units.
National Commercial Bank closed at $24.51 after trading as high as $25 with 200,147 units trading but the stock closed at the equivalent of $28 in Trinidad.

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