Buy Rated: H&L up 74%

Friday, 3rd January 2013 | The Buy Rated list counts another major winner! This time Jamaica’s Hardware & Lumber closing at $8 up from $5.10 last week for a 74 percent gain since selection.

The stock is a recovery opportunity with the price falling sharply to a low of $3 in 2012, flowing from losses incurred after hitting hard times post-2008 and 2009 and poor profits in 2011 and 2012. With the potential for them to earn $2 per share for 2013, Hardware & Lumber stands a good chance of reaching $20 this year.

BuyRatedJan3rdJunior Market stock, Access Financial Services, which was moved to a Market Watch, gained this week and ended up at $12.20 up from $12 last week. Caribbean Producers continues to produce gains climbing to $2.70 this week, up from $2.65 to register gains of 33 percent since elevated to the list.

Pan jam moved up to $54 at the end of the week and now shows positive gains, Jamaica’s Scotia Group moved to $20 this week from $19.06. Caribbean Cement also gained this week to end at $3.50 and so did Jamaica Broilers that closed at $4.61 up from $4.51.

On the Trinidad Market, First Citizens was put back on the Buy Rated list, the price closed this week at $40.63 and should be heading into the $50 region before too long.

Related posts | H&L – big profits boost | Access moved to Market Watch

Image courtesy of Tungphoto/

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  1. […] obliged under the Securities Act to make the offer to the minority. The offer was received by the Hardware & Lumber board who advices, that a special subcommittee of the Audit Committee to comprise directors […]

  2. […] Related posts | Buy Rated: H&L up 74% […]

  3. […] Related Posts | First Citizens staff lose huge payday | Buy Rated: H&L up 74% […]

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