Allan Lewis new chairman – Jamaica Stock Exchnage

Alan Lewis - Chairman JSE

Alan Lewis – Chairman JSE

Allan Lewis, Senior Vice President Victoria Mutual Group was elected the new Chairman of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Board at its Board Meeting held on July 16 2014.
Ian McNaughton, Managing Director, Barita Investments was elected Deputy Chairman. Donovan Perkins, the former Chairman had previously indicated to the shareholders that he was stepping down as the Chairman of the Company, due his appointment as the CEO of the newly acquired RBC Bank by Sagicor Group Jamaica.
Ian McNaughton

Ian McNaughton

Marlene Street Forrest, General Manager of the JSE, in welcoming the new Chairman to his new position said, “the JSE management and staff are looking forward to working with our new Chairman to realize the objectives set for the 2014/15 period and beyond”. “Mrs. Street Forrest indicated that these include the following: Continuing the rationalization and control of expenditure; Collaborating with the Government and other entities to advance the Stock Exchange and Pursuing global reach Providing a reasonable returns to shareholders.

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