40 minutes world cup loss damages JPS image

As if its public image was not already low JPS did more damage to it today with a massive power outage at the start of the popular world cup series and amidst a near 100 degree hot a muggy temperature. Football enthusiasts who rely on television for the viewership of their sports were deprived of catching the start of the world cup match between Mexico and Cameroon which started at 11 Jamaica time. The outage could hardly have been at a worse time for them, especially at a time when they have mouthed the thought of getting the permission to supply the additional amount of new electrical power to the system.
While government is trying to get third parties to set up a new power plant to feed into the JPS grid, JPS would not have done themselves much favour if what would appear to be the logical decision of allowing them to add the needed supply to the grid. What has not been said in the saga of getting cheaper power to consumers of electricity is, with JPS already having the overheads for supplying the current and near term needs, switching to a new supplier of power generation will not provide the best cost option as two sets of overhead cost will have to be borne by consumers, plus the profit margin of a separate supplier as well as additional mark up the JPS will effect for transmitting the supply. So consumers will be hit with double cost and double profits.
But JPS should have been performing better than they have. But clearly government ministers have not been thinking properly being 20 percent owners in JPS. Have anyone thought about the effect that by passing JPS for power generation will have on the 20 percent stake owned by taxpayers through the government, if that been considered seriously no one is telling the country?
While the government is focusing on new supply to deliver cheaper power,

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