Jamaica’s Economy grows 1.8% in Q2

Agriculture was the star performer in Jamaica's growth in the second quarter

Agriculture was the star performer in Jamaica’s growth in the second quarter

The Jamaican economy grew by 1.8 percent in the second quarter of 2014, compared to the similar quarter of 2013, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (Statin) reported. The second quarter growth rate, is slightly better than the 1.6 percent growth in this year’s first quarter.
The Statin report goes on to state, this performance reflects an improvement of 6.3 percent in the Goods Producing industries and a 0.5 percent increase in the Services industries.In the June quarter, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing grew 16.6 percent, Manufacture 4.1 percent and Construction 1.2 percent. Mining & Quarrying industry declined by 0.4 percent.
Manufacture benefited from a 111.9 percent increase in the production of sugar and a 26.1 percent growth in petroleum refining. Higher output levels in Construction resulted mainly from an increase in expenditure on road work activities, including the continued work on the North-South leg of Highway 2000. Lower production levels in the Mining &Quarrying industry was due to a fall in alumina production, resulting from the stoppage of activities at one of the alumina refining plant. However, crude bauxite production increased by 13.3 percent.
Increased output was recorded for all industries within the Services industries with the exception of the Producers of Government Services, down 0.2 percent and Electricity & Water Supply, down 1.6 percent. Higher output levels were recorded for; Hotels & Restaurants 2.3 percent, Other Services 1.1 percent, Transport, Storage & Communication 1 percent, Real Estate, Renting & Business Activities 0.6 percent. The sharp jump in sugar production in the second which is not in line with increased production with the overall 2014 sugar crop, meant that growth in the first quarter would have been negatively affected by a late take off of the cane crop in 2014 which benefited the second quarter.

Jamaican$ strengthens against all 3 on Tuesday

The Jamaican dollar gained, against the three main currencies it regularly trades with, in Tuesday’s forex trading, as inflows remain buoyant. Authorized dealers purchased the equivalent of US$46,583,995, versus US$41,647,022 on Monday, and the equivalent of US$43,686,767 was sold compared with US$48,692,938 on Monday.
JSE sum 30-9-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$41,044,453 compared to US$37,493,261 on Monday. The buying rate for the US dollar rose 12 cents to $112.39 and US$41,573,721 was sold versus US$46,856,853 on Monday, the selling rate eased by a cent to $112.67. The Canadian dollar buying rate, climbed 35 cents to $99.05 with dealers buying C$1,052,935 and selling C$450,524 at an average selling rate that slipped 29 cents, to $101.01. The rate for buying the British Pound rose 59 cents to $181.62, for the purchase of £2,746,757, while £966,157 was sold, at $182.48 for a fall of 34 cents. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$172,782, while selling was for the equivalent of US$144,242.
FX HL 30-914Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar, closed with the loss of 4 cents at $112.95, the lowest buying, the highest selling and the lowest selling rates were unchanged at $91.85, $117.70 and $91.85 respectively. The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar dived 85 cents to $101, the lowest buying rate gained 8 cents to $80.01, the highest selling rate lost 76 cents to $104.74. The lowest selling rate fell 35 cents to $96.40. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, jumped $5.94 to $189.39, the lowest buying rate fell 24 cents to $146.50. The highest selling rate dropped $2.82 to $189.18 and the lowest selling rate dived 80 cents to $176.

Trade deficit improvement loses steam in June

ContainerShipTrade280x150Jamaica’s trade deficit declined marginally during the first six months of 2014 ending at US$2.18 billion, compared to US$2.19 billion in the 2013 period, a decline of 0.3 percent, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica reported, today.
For the period up to May the trade deficit was US$125 million. Trade balance in June effectively wiped out the small positive gains to May.
For the six months period Jamaica imported goods valued at US$2.9 billion, a decrease of US$133 million or 4.4 percent compared to the same period in 2013. Total exports for the six months to June 2014, fell by US$125 million to US$729 million, down from US$854 million in the 2013 period.
The decline in imports was due mainly to a reduction in Mineral Fuels, Chemicals, Beverages & Tobacco, Animal & Vegetable Oils Fats.Imports of “Raw Materials and Intermediate Goods” decreased during the 2014 review period, and were valued at US$1.77 billion, compared to US$1.97 billion in the 2013 period, a 9.8 percent decrease.
Crude Oil imports amounted to US$413 million, moving down from US$451 million in the similar period of 2013, a decrease of 8.4 percent. Imports of Capital Goods (Excl. Motor Cars) increase from US$243 million in the 2013 period to US$264 million in the current year to June.

Market closes out month down

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Tuesday’s activity on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, culminated in the prices of 8 stocks rising and 7 declining, as 21 securities changed hands. A total of 5,217,834 units traded, valued at $54,942,294, in all market segments.
JSE sum 30-9-14 IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator showed 14 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 5 stocks with offers that were lower. The increase is probably due to month end window dressing by some portfolio managers would want to impact the value of the funds under management at the end of the month and quarter.
Main Market| The JSE Market Index lost 160.31 points to 72,238.36 and the JSE All Jamaican Composite index declined by 179.24 points, to close at 79,483.81.
Gains| Stocks gaining with last traded prices, at the end of trading in the main market are, Caribbean Cement, with 109,500 shares changing hands, ended 4 cents higher at $2.40, Grace Kennedy put through 19,208 units with a gain of 70 cents to $58.20, Jamaica Producers had 122,728 shares changing hands, gained 25 cents to $15.75, Mayberry Investments with 5,420 shares closed 4 cents higher at $1.50 and Sagicor Group traded 738,840 units, with an increase of 65 cents, to $9.90.
Firm| The stocks in the main market to close without a change in the last traded prices are, Berger Paints with 3,500 units, closing at $1.66, Cable & Wireless with 453,827 shares at 29 cents, Desnoes & Geddes 45,000 share at $4.77, Pan Jamaican Investment 417,537 shares trading to close at $49.10, Proven Investments 27,700 ordinary shares, to close with the price at 18 US cents and Seprod with 40,000 shares, closed at $10.90.
Declines| The last traded prices of stocks with losses at the close of the main market are, Carreras, down 8 cents to end at $34.55, in trading 93,336 units, Jamaica Broilers with 500,000 shares lost 50 cents to end at $4, Jamaica Money Market Brokers with 42,087 ordinary shares trading, lost 5 cents at $6.95, National Commercial Bank had 452,630 units changing hands, with a 5 cents loss, at $17.94 and Scotia Group with 351,187 shares, closed 5 cents off at $19.25 .
Preference| Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.50% preference share traded 222,593 units, with a gain of 5 cents to $3.50 and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 110,462 units at $2.

Only 3 stocks traded Tuesday on junior market

Lasco_Building280x150 Trading in the Junior Market continued to be low, with only 3 securities changing hands, as a total of 1,462,279 units, valued at $1,281,976 traded. The JSE Junior Market Index rose 2.56 points to close at 653.79. Two stocks rose and 1 declined.
The main trades were Lasco Manufacturing with 863,229 units, to close at 86 cents, down 4 cents, after trading between 86 cents and 93 cents and Lasco Financial Services with 589,050 shares trading, between 87 cents and $1, ending at 87 cents, with a gain of 2 cents. The other stocks to trade are Lasco Distributors with 10,000 shares, ended at $1.11 with a 7 cents gain.
At the close of the market, 9 stocks had no buying interest, with no bids displayed to buy, while there were 7 stocks that had no sellers showing an interest in selling. There were 5 stocks with bids to buy above the last selling prices and 2 with offers that were lower.

6 stocks up 4 down on TTSE

Trading on the Trinidad Stock Exchange on Tuesday, saw 17 securities changing hands of which 6 advanced, 4 declined and 7 traded firm with a total of 209,317 units, valued at $1,645,611. At the close, there were two stocks closing, at 52 weeks’ high and one at 52 weeks’ low.
TTSE sum 30-9-14The Composite Index rose 0.07 points to close at 1,145.12, the All T&T Index fell by 0.17 points to close at 1,976.30 and the Cross Listed Index increased by 0.04 points to end at 41.10.
Gains| Stocks increasing in price at the close are, Ansa Merchant Bank with only 100 shares and closed with a 3 cents gain at $39.37, a new 52 weeks high, First Citizens Bank contributed 5,309 shares with a value of $193,455 to gain 2 cents at $36.44, while Guardian Holdings added 5,000 shares valued at $67,450 and closed 14 cents up at $13.49, Massy Holdings stock price increased 37 cents to end at $68.89, while trading 500 shares, Prestige Holdings hit a new 52 weeks’ price high, as 500 shares traded at $9.55, with a 5 cents gain, followed by Scotia Investments with a volume of 10,000 to end 5 cents higher at $1.50.
Declines| The stocks declining at the end of trading are, Clico Investment Fund with a volume of 18,438 shares valued at $405,886, declined by 2 cents to end at $22, One Caribbean Media traded 831 shares, 2 cents lower at $25.33, Republic Bank traded 2,972 shares at $121.50 for a 20 cents decline, conversely, Scotiabank fell 5 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ low of $59.95 with 1,985 shares changing hands.
Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are, Angostura Holdings 2,000 shares at $12.75, Ansa McAL put through 1,420 units and closed at $66.20, Firstcaribbean International Bank 2,674 shares at $5, Grace Kennedy 1,943 units at $3.76, Jamaica’s National Commercial Bank with 128,445 shares changing hands for a value of $128,445 closed at $1. Praetorian Property Mutual Fund traded 12,000 unit at $3.40, Sagicor Financial 200 shares at $6.21 and Sagicor Financial 6.5% preference share traded unchanged at US$1.13 with 15,000 shares.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator showed only 1 stock with the bid higher than the last selling price and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.

JSE slips back with 7 stocks up 7 down

Monday’s activity on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, resulted in the prices of 7 stocks rising and 7 declining with 16 securities changing hands, a total of 2,648,086 units traded, valued at $28,212,290, In all market segments.
JSE 29-9-14 IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator showed 10 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 6 stocks with offers that were lower.
Main Market| The JSE Market Index fell 106.01` points to 72,398.67 and the JSE All Jamaican Composite index declined 118.54 points to close at 79,663.05.
Gains| Stocks gaining with last traded prices, at the end of trading in the main market are, Cable & Wireless with 217,861 shares trading, with a 1 cent rise to 29 cents, Jamaica Broilers 18,500 shares changed hands, 10 cents higher at $4.40, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 4,500 ordinary closed up 5 cents at $7, followed by Jamaica Producers with 19,231 units, to gain 30 cents at $15.50, Pan Jamaican Investment put through 59,124 shares, 10 cents higher to end at $49.10 and Seprod had 36,500 shares changing hands, 10 higher at $10.90.
Firm| The only stock in the main market to close without a change in the last traded price is Ciboney, with 155,500 units at 7 cents.
Declines| The last traded prices of stocks with losses at the end of trading in the main market are, Carreras with 60,148 shares, lost 2 cents to end at $34.63, Desnoes & Geddes traded 100,825 units at a loss of 3 cents, to end at $4.77, Grace Kennedy ended at $57.50, down by $1.95 with only 572 units trading, National Commercial Bank with 222,880 shares, closed with a cent loss at $17.99, Sagicor Group price slipped 40 cents to $9.25 with 1,188,145 shares and Scotia Group declined by 20 cents to $19.30 with 315,896 shares trading.
Preference| No trading took place in the preference section.

Jamaican$ gains against all on Monday

The Jamaican dollar gained against the three main currencies it regularly trades with, in Monday’s forex trading. Authorized dealers purchased the equivalent of US$41,647,022 versus US$50,731,870 on Friday, and the equivalent of US$48,692,938 was sold compared with US$32,356,343 on Friday.
FX sum 29-9-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$37,493,261 compared to US$48,910,642 on Friday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 23 cents to $112.27 and US$46,856,853 was sold versus US$30,734,179 on Friday, the selling rate eased by a cent to $112.68. The Canadian dollar buying rate, fell 36 cents to $98.70 with dealers buying C$1,194,201 and selling C$768,096 at an average selling rate that slipped 9 cents, to $101.31. The rate for buying the British Pound rose 88 cents to $181.03, for the purchase of £1,779,286, while £577,599 was sold, at $182.82 for a fall of 92 cents. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$234,843, while selling was for the equivalent of US$208,343.
FXHL 29-9-14Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar, closed with the loss of a cent at $112.99, the lowest buying and the highest selling rates were unchanged at $91.85 and $117.70 respectively. The lowest selling rate dropped $9.70 to $91.85. The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar rose 25 cents to $101.85, the lowest buying rate and the highest selling rate remained unchanged at $79.93 and $105.50, respectively. The lowest selling rate rose 45 cents to $96.75. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, declined 55 cents to $183.45, the lowest buying rate fell 42 cents to $146.74. The highest selling rate remained at $192 and the lowest selling rate is dived 50 cents to $176.80.

JSE Junior Market hibernating

Lasco_FoodManufactoring150x150 There was only 3 securities trading in Junior Market on Monday, as investors continue to focus elsewhere, for investment opportunities. A total of only 248,404 units valued at $326,764 traded. The JSE Junior Market Index fell 1.02 points to close at 656.22, with 1 advancing and 1 declining.
At the end of trading 5 junior market stocks had bids that are higher than the last selling price and only two with offers that were lower, in addition s sign of some weakness in this market is 10 stocks having no bids versus 7 with no offers.
The main trades was Lasco Manufacturing with 210,404 units with a loss of 6 cents to end at 90 cents, Access Financial Services trading 10,000 units at $10.50 and was the only stocks with a gain, with the price rising 32 cents at the end of trading in the junior market a Lasco Distributors traded 28,000 units unchanged at $1.11.

Scotiabank drops again on TTSE

Scotia logo In trading on the Trinidad Stock Exchange, Scotiabank dropped to a new 52 weeks’ low of $60.24, with just over 4,000 shares traded. The stocks has declined 18.74 percent, from a high of $73.12, reached in April, this year. The price is still exposed to further decline, with an offer to sell at $60 and no buying interest shown at the end of trading. A total of 14 securities changed hands in trading of which 2 advanced, 4 declined and 8 traded firm, with 724,283 units changing hands, valued at $4,863,899.
The Composite Index lost 1.11 points to close at 1,145.05, the All T&T Index fell 2.29 points to close at 1,976.47 and the Cross Listed Index inched up by 0.01 points to end at 41.06.
Gains| Stocks increasing in price at the close are Angostura Holdings with a volume of 82,069 shares being traded for $1,046,380 with the price increasing 5 cents to $12.75 and Sagicor Financial traded 100 shares to close with a cent gain at $6.21.
Declines| The stocks declining at the end of trading are ANSA McAL traded 54 units and closed 2 cents down at $66.20, for a new 52 weeks’ low, Guardian Holdings contributed 68,932 shares with a value of $926,676 while losing 25 cents to close at $13.25, Scotiabank suffered a 78 cents fall, to close at $60, as 4,010 shares traded and Trinidad Cement with 10,000 shares, ended 1 cents lower at $2.24.
TTSE sum 29-9-14 Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are Clico Investment Fund with 24,263 shares valued at $534,247, to end at $22, First Citizens Bank with 920 shares closed at $36.42, Massy Holdings closed at $68.52 while trading 11,500 units valued at $787,980, Jamaica’s National Commercial Bank with 384,178 shares changing hands for a value of $384,178, closed at $1, One Caribbean Media traded 110 shares at $25.35, Point Lisas Industrial Port added 37,397 shares valued at $149,588 and ended at $4, Prestige Holdings had 750 units being active to end at $9.50 and Sagicor Financial 6.5% preference shares traded 100,000 units at US$1.13.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 4 stocks with the bid higher than their last selling prices and 2 stocks with offers that were lower.

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