Trading drops for Junior Market on Monday

Trading slipped on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Monday, with a 35 percent fall in the volume of stocks traded as the value dropped 29 percent below Friday with trading ending with trading in 44 stocks, the same as Friday and ended with 16 rising, 15 declining and 13 unchanged.
Investors traded 5,508,204 shares at $11,474,088 compared to 8,514,607 units at $16,106,240 on Friday.
Trading averaged 125,186 shares at $260,775 compared to 193,514 units at $366,051 on Friday with the month to date, averaging 214,255 stocks at $492,082 compared to 221,835 stocks at $511,768 on the previous trading day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 1.73 million shares accounting for 31.4 percent of total volume followed by Image Plus Consultants with 465,288 units for 8.4 percent of the day’s trade and Mailpac Group with 412,652 units for 7.5 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index popped 6.64 points to 3,894.06, but the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator flashed negative reading at the close.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.9. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are computed using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and eight with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial declined 52 cents and ended at $24.62 after exchanging a mere 16 shares, Caribbean Cream dropped 30 cents to close at $3.46 with just 5 units clearing the market, Caribbean Flavours fell 7 cents in closing at $1.24 with an exchange of 6,879 stocks. Dolla Financial shed 12 cents to close at $2.66 with investors exchanging 218,431 stock units, Dolphin Cove lost 55 cents to end at $16.50, with 1,107 stocks changing hands, EduFocal climbed 10 cents to end at $1.50 while exchanging 268,139 stock units after the price hit an intraday 52 weeks’ low of $1.36. Fontana gained 20 cents to close at $10.75 with traders swapping 38,852 shares, Fosrich increased 8 cents to $2.08, with 232,281 units crossing the market, Future Energy Source rallied 14 cents and ended at $3.75 in an exchange of 285,114 units. General Accident dipped 47 cents in closing at $4.43 after 5,433 stocks passed through the market, Honey Bun rose 45 cents to $6.52, with 18,119 stock units changing hands, Image Plus Consultants advanced 17 cents to close at $2.25 after an exchange of 465,288 shares. Iron Rock Insurance lost 29 cents in closing at $2.10 in switching ownership of 2,305 units, ISP Finance popped $2.07 and ended at $28.55 after 1,016 stock units changed hands, Knutsford Express shed 59 cents to end at $11.30 with a transfer of 359 stocks. Lasco Distributors climbed 21 cents and ended at a 52 weeks’ high of $4.70 after 229,107 shares crossed the market, Lasco Manufacturing traded 188,112 shares to close at $5.35 after hitting an intraday 52 weeks’ high of $5.49, Limners and Bards fell 17 cents to $1.81 in trading 65,042 units. Main Event rallied $1.01 to close at $15.19 after investors traded 4,415 shares and Tropical Battery rose 10 cents in closing at $1.99 after a transfer of 153,938 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market rise

Stocks made more gains at the close of trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Friday, following the slight slippage on Thursday after the near 100 points recovery on Wednesday and ended on Friday,with a 105 percent jump in the volume of stocks traded accompanied by a 61 percent climb in value compared to Thursday, with trading taking place in 44 securities compared with 41 on Thursday and ended with 16 rising, 16 declining and 12 closing unchanged.
Investors traded 8,514,607 shares for $16,106,240 versus 4,143,867 units at $10,013,554 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 193,514 shares at $366,051 compared to 101,070 stocks at $244,233 on Thursday and trading for the month to date averaged 221,835 shares at $511,768 compared to 224,470 stock units at $525,323 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 2.82 million shares for 33.1 percent of total volume, followed by Jetcon Corporation with 1.95 million units for 22.9 percent of the day’s trade and Stationery and Office Supplies with 914,844 units for 10.7 percent of market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index gained 24.48 points to end trading at 3,887.42.
The PE Ratio, a measure used to compute appropriate stock values, averages 10.9. The PE ratios of the Junior Market are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial rose $2.26 to $25.14 with stakeholders exchanging 149 shares, Dolphin Cove advanced 55 cents in closing at $17.05 with a transfer of 18,887 units, EduFocal fell 19 cents and ended at $1.40 after a transfer of 237,710 stocks. Fontana shed 55 cents to end at $10.55 with 64,894 stocks clearing the market, General Accident rallied 7 cents to close at $4.90 after investors ended trading 26,481 stock units, Image Plus Consultants dipped 10 cents to $2.08, with 67,783 units crossing the market. ISP Finance gained $5.08 in closing at $26.48 and closed after 5,600 shares were traded, KLE Group gained 15 cents to close at $1.64 in trading 42 stocks, Lasco Distributors climbed 30 cents to $4.49 in exchanging 497,954 stocks. Lasco Manufacturing popped 14 cents to $5.35 as 286,854 shares passed through the market, Main Event declined 82 cents to $14.18 in switching ownership of 33,789 stock units, Medical Disposables gained 20 cents to close at $4.85 in an exchange of 5,000 units. Paramount Trading lost 18 cents to end at $1.80 while exchanging 42,800 stock units, Stationery and Office Supplies dipped 14 cents to $2 withan exchange of 914,844 shares and Tropical Battery declined 15 cents and ended at $1.89 with investors transferring 77,300 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading slips on the Junior Market

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange slipped modestly on Thursday after trading took place in 41 securities compared with 42 on Wednesday and ended with prices of 18 rising, 15 falling and eight closing unchanged with the volume of stocks traded drooped 73 percent and the value 77 percent lower than Wednesday.
Investors traded a mere 4,143,867 shares for $10,013,554 compared to 15,211,591 units at $44,456,814 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 101,070 shares at $244,233 compared with 362,181 shares at $1,058,496 on Wednesday with the month to date, averaging 224,470 units at $525,323 compared with 236,182 stock units at $552,001 on the previous day. Trading in July averaged 326,541 units at $843,878.
ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 1.15 million shares for 27.8 percent of total volume, followed by Future Energy Source with 1.01 million units for 24.5 percent of the day’s trade and Stationery and Office Supplies with 329,995 units for 8 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index lost 10.43 points in closing at 3,862.94.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.8. The PE ratios of Junior Market are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and five with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial fell $2.26 in closing at $22.88 with investors transferring a mere 57 shares, AMG Packaging dropped 24 cents to end at $2.29 after exchanging 1,340 stocks, Blue Power rallied 27 cents and ended at $2.27 in trading 1,515 stock units. Cargo Handlers climbed $1.10 to $17.50 as investors exchanged 693 units, Caribbean Cream dipped 24 cents to close at $3.76 after an exchange of 13,145 stock units, Consolidated Bakeries lost 41 cents and ended at $2.31 after a transfer of 115 units. Dolla Financial declined 12 cents in closing at $2.81 in switching ownership of 65,279 shares, Dolphin Cove rose 49 cents to $16.50 with shareholders swapping 16,144 stocks, Fontana gained 10 cents and ended at $11.10 after trading 23,036 shares. Fosrich shed 8 cents to close at $2 in an exchange of 320,641 units. Future Energy Source dipped 16 cents to end at $3.59, with 1,013,620 stocks crossing the market, General Accident advanced 33 cents to end at $4.83 and closed with an exchange of 5,101 stock units, Honey Bun declined 16 cents to close at $6.06 with a transfer of 8,916 stocks. Iron Rock Insurance popped 29 cents to $2.39 with stakeholders trading one unit, JFP Ltd climbed 11 cents in closing at $1.63 while trading 44,242 stock units, Lasco Distributors rose 9 cents to end at $4.19, with 56,828 shares clearing the market. Lasco Financial rallied 13 cents to $2.13 in an exchange of 125,016 stock units, Limners and Bards gained 17 cents and ended at $1.98, with 240 stocks crossing the exchange, Main Event climbed 61 cents in closing at $15 in traversing the market with 754 shares. MFS Capital Partners increased 11 cents to close at $2.50, with 253 units changing hands and Stationery and Office Supplies popped 30 cents in closing at $2.14 with an exchange of 329,995 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big jump for Junior Market

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The Junior Market Index surged 95.27 points to 3,873.37 at the close of trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Wednesday, following a 50 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded and a 108 percent bounce in value compared to Tuesday, helped considerably by trading in shares of Lasco Manufacturing, following trading in 42 securities versus 44 on Tuesday and ending with prices of 15 rising, 20 declining and seven closing unchanged.
Investors traded 15,211,591 shares for $44,456,814 up from 10,150,305 units at $21,390,870 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 362,181 shares at $1,058,496, compared to 230,689 shares at $486,156 on Tuesday with the month to date, averaging 236,182 units at $552,001 compared with 222,612 stock units at $497,455 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
Lasco Manufacturing led trading with 4.14 million shares for 27.2 percent of the total volume with a value of $21.55 million for 48.55 percent of the total value of stocks traded, followed by EduFocal with 3.08 million units for 20.3 percent of the day’s trade. Dolla Financial chipped in with 2.88 million units for 18.9 percent market share, ONE on ONE Educational ended with 1.77 million units for 11.7 percent of the market volume and Stationery and Office Supplies with 1.53 million units for 10.1 percent of total volume.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.5. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows six stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging popped 23 cents to close at $2.53 with a transfer of just 500 shares, CAC 2000 advanced 84 cents and ended at $6.99 after 6,481 stocks passed through the market, Cargo Handlers climbed 36 cents to $16.40 with shareholders swapping 600 units. Dolla Financial gained 23 cents in closing at $2.93 following switching ownership of 2,881,799 shares, EduFocal rose 17 cents to end at $1.57 with an exchange of 3,084,681 stocks, Express Catering rallied 60 cents to end at $5.10 after a transfer of 800 stock units. Fosrich gained 8 cents to end at $2.08, with 97,890 shares crossing the market, Future Energy Source lost 12 cents and ended at $3.75 after an exchange of 247,772 units, Image Plus Consultants dipped 14 cents in closing at $2.14, with 24,527 stock units crossing the exchange. JFP Ltd declined 11 cents to close at $1.52 while traders were exchanging 437,963 stocks, Lasco Financial dropped 15 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ low of $2 after hitting an intraday low of $1.50 in trading 22,140 units, Lasco Manufacturing climbed 64 cents and ended at $5.20 after an exchange of 4,144,606 shares, Main Event shed $1.49 to end at $14.39, with investors transferring 1,027 units and Medical Disposables fell 20 cents to $4.65, with 7,494 stock units clearing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market gets another big hit

The Junior Market Index plunged for a second day with a loss of 74.82  points and follows the 62 pints drop on Monday to settle at 3,778.10 as trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Tuesday, with the volume of stocks traded moderately higher than on Monday with a 19 percent higher value, following trading in 44 securities compared with 43 on Monday and ended with prices of 16 rising, 21 declining and seven closing unchanged.
Investors traded 10,150,305 shares for $21,390,870 compared with 9,598,734 units at $18,018,458 on Monday.
Trading averaged 230,689 shares at $486,156 compared to 223,226 shares at $419,034 on Monday with the month to date, averaging 222,612 units at $497,455 compared with 221,585 stock units at $498,892 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
JFP Ltd led trading with 2 million shares for 19.7 percent of total volume,  ONE on ONE Educational followed with 1.33 million units for 13.1 percent of the day’s trade and Derrimon Trading with 1.06 million units for 10.5 percent of the day’s trade.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.5. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are computed using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial increased $2.35 to end at $25.15 after just 3 shares passed through the market, Blue Power fell 45 cents to a 52 weeks’ low of $2 after exchanging 867 stock units, CAC 2000 advanced 25 cents to close at $6.15 in trading 1,999 units. Cargo Handlers lost $2.61 and ended at $16.04 in an exchange of 4,104 stocks, Caribbean Flavours shed 8 cents in closing at $1.24 after 25,240 units crossed the exchange, Derrimon Trading dipped 10 cents to close at $1.85 with an exchange of 1,062,570 stock units. Dolphin Cove declined 38 cents to end at $16.02 with 14,362 shares crossing the market, EduFocal dropped 25 cents in closing at a 52 weeks’ low of $1.40 with investors transferring 954,371 stocks, Elite Diagnostic popped 26 cents and ended at $2.05 and closed with a mere two stock units trading. Express Catering dropped 60 cents to $4.50 in an exchange of 81,915 units, Fosrich dipped 14 cents and ended at $2, with 490,708 stocks changing hands, Future Energy Source climbed 19 cents to close at $3.87 with stakeholders trading 66,674 shares. Honey Bun rose 35 cents to $6.27 with a transfer of 3,247 shares, ISP Finance rallied 17 cents in closing at $21.40 with 3 stocks clearing the market, Lasco Manufacturing declined 72 cents to end at $4.56 as investors exchanged 194,300 stock units. Limners and Bards gained 8 cents in closing at $1.81 after an exchange of 32,192 units, Medical Disposables gained 25 cents in closing at $4.85 with shareholders swapping 95 units and MFS Capital Partners popped 8 cents to close at $2.39 after trading 171,923 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big fall for Junior Market

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange suffered a big fall on Monday, with the market index diving  62.55  points to end at  3,852.92 even as the volume of stocks traded climbed 104 percent valued 64 percent more than in trading on Friday. At the close 43 securities were traded compared with 44 on Friday and ended with 11 rising, 21 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
Investors traded 9,598,734 shares for $18,018,458 up from 4,704,278 units at $11,000,031 on Friday.
Trading averaged 223,226 shares at $419,034 compared with 106,915 units at $250,001 on Friday. Trading for the month to date averaged 221,585 stock units at $498,892 compared with 221,353 shares at $510,225 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 2.69 million shares for 28 percent of total volume, followed by Fosrich with 1.08 million units for 11.2 percent of the day’s trade and EduFocal with 1.03 million units for 10.8 percent of the day’s volume.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.6. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are computed using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows nine stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial fell 8 cents to $22.80 with stakeholders exchanging 1,166 shares, CAC 2000 climbed $1.37 to end at $5.90 with investors trading 4,465 units, Cargo Handlers declined 15 cents to $18.65 with 2,648 stocks changing hands. Dolla Financial lost 15 cents and ended at $2.65 after investors traded 378,146 stock units, EduFocal advanced 16 cents to $1.65, with 1,033,874 shares crossing the market, Elite Diagnostic shed 32 cents in closing at $1.79, with an exchange of 24,127 units. Everything Fresh rallied 26 cents to close at $1.60 after 263,201 stock units passed through the exchange, Future Energy Source dropped 17 cents to $3.68 with 211,783 stocks clearing the market, General Accident dipped 39 cents and ended at $4.50 with a transfer of 205,853 shares. Honey Bun fell 13 cents to end at $5.92 while exchanging 2,932 stock units, Image Plus Consultants increased 11 cents to close at $2.25 with an exchange of 618,000 stocks, JFP Ltd dipped 20 cents to end at $1.60 after 318,000 units changed hands. Lasco Manufacturing rose 40 cents to $5.28 in trading 14,242 stocks, Main Event gained 53 cents and ended at $15.93 with shareholders swapping 19,419 units, Medical Disposables dropped 25 cents in closing at $4.60, with 6,230 shares crossing the market. MFS Capital Partners declined 17 cents to $2.31 and closed with an exchange of 80,961 stock units and Regency Petroleum shed 11 cents to $2.40 as 362,805 units passed through the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market slips

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Friday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 21 percent and the value 26 percent lower than on Thursday, with 44 securities trading compared with 40 on Thursday and ended with prices of 18 stocks rising, 16 declining and 10 closing unchanged.
Investors traded 4,704,278 shares for $11,000,031 versus 5,932,563 units at $14,914,276 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 106,915 shares at $250,001 compared with 148,314 shares at $372,857 on Thursday with the month to date, averaging 221,353 units at $510,225 compared with 240,794 stock units at $554,433 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
EduFocal led trading with 1.02 million shares for 21.7 percent of total volume, followed by Stationery and Office Supplies with 533,275 units for 11.3 percent of the day’s trade and Image Plus Consultants with 369,657 units for 7.9 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index dipped 10.58 points to finish at 3,915.47.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.6. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial lost $2.27 in ending at $22.88 with shareholders swapping 1,231 shares, AMG Packaging declined 20 cents in closing at $2.29 in an exchange of 79,192 units, Caribbean Assurance Brokers traded 150,750 shares and rallied 7 cents to close at $2.95. Caribbean Cream dropped 12 cents to end at $4.03 as investors exchanged 987 stocks, Dolphin Cove dipped 10 cents and ended at $16.40, with 613 stock units crossing the market, EduFocal fell 18 cents to close at $1.49 with an exchange of 1,022,469 stock units. Fosrich increased 16 cents to end at $2.16 after exchanging 276,968 units, Honey Bun shed 69 cents to close at $6.05 after an exchange of 40,126 shares, ISP Finance dived $5.26 in closing at $21.23 in an exchange of 5,000 stocks. JFP Ltd rallied 10 cents and ended at $1.80 after a transfer of 2,601 shares, Lasco Manufacturing lost 12 cents to close at $4.88 after the price hit an intraday 52 weeks’ high of $5.29 and ended with 5,036 stocks being exchanged. The supply of Lasco Manufacturing shares has been drastically reduced over the past two weeks, a factor worth watching in the near term. Lumber Depot rose 12 cents to end at $2.07 with a transfer of 95,145 units. Main Event popped $1.05 in closing at $15.40 while exchanging 51,967 stocks, MFS Capital Partners advanced 8 cents to $2.48 and closed with an exchange of 21,035 units, Regency Petroleum climbed 8 cents and ended at $2.51 after 170,072 stocks changed hands and Spur Tree Spices dipped 10 cents to close at $2.20 after 262,428 shares passed through the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

More gains for Junior Market

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Thursday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 75 percent and the value 69 percent lower than on Wednesday, with trading in 40 securities compared with 44 on Wednesday and ended with 12 rising, 17 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
A total of traded 5,932,563 shares for $14,914,276 versus 24,163,009 units at $48,793,161 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 148,314 shares at $372,857 compared to 549,159 shares at $1,108,935 on Wednesday, with the month to date averaging 240,794 units at $554,433 compared with 257,685 stock units at $587,598 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
EduFocal led trading with 1.49 million shares for 25.2 percent of total volume, followed by Stationery and Office Supplies with 1.06 million units for 17.8 percent of the day’s trade and Dolla Financial with 607,418 units for 10.2 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index rose for a second day with an increase of 11.60 points to end at 3,926.05.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.7. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024. Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial shed 15 cents to end at $25.15 after 9 shares changed hands, Blue Power rose 15 cents to close at $2.50 after trading 23,061 stocks, Caribbean Flavours climbed 10 cents to $1.33 in switching ownership of 212 units, Consolidated Bakeries gained 15 cents and ended at $2.75 and closed with an exchange of 102 stock units. Dolla Financial lost 18 cents to end at $2.78 after 607,418 units crossed the exchange, Dolphin Cove advanced 30 cents to close at $16.50 with an exchange of 1,000 shares, Everything Fresh fell 19 cents to $1.34 in trading 58,667 stocks, Fosrich declined 15 cents in closing at 52 weeks’ low of $2, with 245,588 stock units crossing the market. General Accident increased 19 cents to end at $4.89 after exchanging 17,000 stock units, Honey Bun rallied 49 cents and ended at $6.74, with 123,232 units crossing the market, Image Plus Consultants dipped 9 cents in ending at $2.11 with a transfer of 271,562 stocks, ISP Finance popped 49 cents to end at $26.49, with 144 shares clearing the market. Lasco Distributors advanced 25 cents to $4.10 after an exchange of 91,515 stocks, Limners and Bards dipped 9 cents in closing at $1.71 as investors exchanged 154,434 shares, Lumber Depot shed 13 cents to close at $1.95 while exchanging 59,020 units, MFS Capital Partners fell 10 cents to $2.40 after a transfer of 63,103 stock units.Regency Petroleum dipped 8 cents to $2.43 in an exchange of 180,460 units and Spur Tree Spices gained 10 cents to end at $2.30, after 10,000 stocks changed hands.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Juniors recover some of Tuesday’s loss

Trading surged on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Wednesday, with a 246 percent jump in the volume of stocks traded accompanied by a 197 percent rise in value over Tuesday, following trading in 44 securities compared with 47 on Tuesday and ended with 16 rising, 21 declining and seven closing unchanged.
Investors traded 24,163,009 shares for $48,793,161 up from 6,987,786 units at $16,424,294 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 549,159 shares at $1,108,935 compared with 148,676 shares at $349,453 on Tuesday. The month to date, averages 257,685 units at $587,598 compared with 184,400 stock units at $456,518 on the previous day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
Mailpac Group led trading with 16.6 million shares for 68.7 percent of total volume, followed by Stationery and Office Supplies with 2.17 million units for 9 percent of the day’s trade and mage Plus Consultants with 1.02 million units for 4.2 percent of the day’s trade.
At the close, the Junior Market Index increased 31.96 points to 3,914.45.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.7. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Cargo Handlers fell 20 cents and ended at $18.80 as investors exchanged 1,140 shares, Caribbean Flavours shed 12 cents to close at $1.23 after a transfer of 100 units, Consolidated Bakeries declined 18 cents to $2.60, with 11,961 stock units crossing the market, Dolphin Cove dropped 80 cents to end at $16.20 after exchanging 1,500 stocks, EduFocal dipped 12 cents in closing at $1.67 after 55,500 units crossed the market, Express Catering rallied 46 cents in closing at $5.11 while exchanging 5,908 shares, General Accident lost 20 cents in ending at $4.70 in switching ownership of 800 stocks, Honey Bun popped 57 cents to $6.25, with 1,663 stock units changing hands, Image Plus Consultants dipped 10 cents to close at $2.20 with shareholders swapping 1,017,821 units, Indies Pharma fell 15 cents to end at $3 with a transfer of 13,318 shares, ISP Finance advanced $1 and ended at $26, with 3,029 stock units crossing the exchange, Lasco Manufacturing climbed 43 cents in closing at $5 in trading 75,717 stocks, Limners and Bards increased 10 cents to end at $1.80 after investors traded 1,420 stock units, Stationery and Office Supplies shed 20 cents to $1.97 with an exchange of 2,166,626 shares and tTech rose 54 cents to close at $2.26, with stakeholders exchanging 718 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market plunges

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange suffered a big drop on Tuesday, following a 19 percent fall in the volume of stocks traded, valued 22 percent lower than on Friday, after trading in 47 securities compared with 42 on Friday and ended with 17 rising, 20 declining and 10 closing unchanged and four closing at 52 weeks’ low.
A total of 6,987,786 shares were traded for $16,424,294, down from 8,609,687 units at $20,924,228 on Friday.
Trading averaged 148,676 shares at $349,453, compared with 204,993 stocks at $498,196 on Friday with the month to date averaging 184,400 units at $456,518 compared to 197,517 stock units at $495,832 on the previous trading day. July closed with an average of 326,541 units at $843,878.
Stationery and Office Supplies led trading with 1.47 million shares for 21.1 percent of total volume, followed by Dolla Financial with 1.41 million units for 20.1 percent of the day’s trade and JFP Ltd with 973,410 units for 13.9 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index dropped 59.53 points to close trading at 3,882.49.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.6. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are calculated using the last traded price in conjunction with’s projected earnings for the financial years ending between November 2023 and August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows one stock ended with a bid higher than the last selling price and three with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging gained 20 cents in closing at $2.49 with shareholders swapping 580 shares, Blue Power lost 17 cents to end at $2.35, with 19,460 stocks crossing the market, CAC 2000 declined $1.45 and ended at a 52 weeks’ low of $4.53 in an exchange of 5,302 units, Caribbean Assurance Brokers popped 30 cents to close at all $2.90 after an exchange of 1,008 units. Caribbean Cream rose 10 cents to $4.15, with 4,918 stock units crossing the market, Caribbean Flavours increased 12 cents to close at $1.35 with an exchange of 204 stocks, EduFocal climbed 13 cents to end at $1.79 in switching ownership of 4,260 shares, Elite Diagnostic advanced 10 cents in closing at $2.10, with 305 units changing hands. Express Catering dropped 53 cents to $4.65 with investors transferring 57,266 units, Honey Bun shed 62 cents and ended at a 52 weeks’ low of $5.68 after 89,092 stocks passed through the market, Image Plus Consultants rallied 8 cents in closing at $2.30 with a transfer of 257,407 shares, Indies Pharma climbed 11 cents to end at $3.15 in trading 1,205 stock units. Iron Rock Insurance dipped 31 cents to $2.10, with investors exchanging 22,991 stock units, Lasco Distributors fell 34 cents to close at $3.86 while trading 14,288 shares, Limners and Bards dipped 29 cents and ended at a 52 weeks’ low of $1.70 in an exchange of 15,055 stocks, Lumber Depot advanced 14 cents and ended at $2.15 after a transfer of 212,009 units. ONE on ONE Educational dropped 8 cents to 97 cents after exchanging 542,595 stocks, Paramount Trading lost 9 cents to close at $1.97 with 428,066 shares clearing the market, Spur Tree Spices declined 8 cents to end at $2.25 in trading 27,991 stock units, Stationery and Office Supplies fell 17 cents in closing at $2.17 after an exchange of 1,474,594 units and tTech shed 54 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ low of $1.72, with 2,134 shares crossing the exchange.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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